Influencers in social media are people who have built a reputation for their knowledge and expertise on a particular topic. They make regular posts about that topic on their preferred social media channels and generate large followings of enthusiastic engaged people who pay close attention to their views.
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MY TRUTH. The current state of Francesca Ragucci Marketing.
Read MoreThank you to all of my advocates whose curiosity I peak. I present to you a blog in dedication to the curious, the ones who have the bravery to ask these questions. Here are my answers.
Read MoreOne of the ways we work together within your Monthly Marketing Plan is business development through partnerships on social media. Social media presents an opportunity for your business. We leverage tools like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram to redefine your reputation.
Read MoreThis is a video to show you the dedication I have to myself and you as a client.
Read MoreWhen we communicate details in advance on your luxury property campaign, this allows your client (the seller) to greatly appreciate the marketing plan you present.
Read MoreAs I walk through each property, I am compelled to photograph a different angle to entice buyers. Images are the first impression of these homes. Every room has its own charm. The ornate detail stands out and speaks to me.
Read MoreBuilding a brand starts with defining what business you are in and what is your core purpose. This definition or purpose is the basis of your brand, the inherent promise you are making to your clients.
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I am telling you right now a social media presence is not just about the likes. It is about your reputation, that matters. I am in the business of reputation management. Each post that goes live on social media, enhances your business perceived value.
Read MoreEach day, I am reaching out to potential clients in a big way. Throughout time, I send emails with proof of concept work. Meaning, the current client work that is available on my website. Case studies and videos provide an in depth look on the execution of a singular project.
Read MoreWhen photographing your property, I personalize each photo shoot to accentuate the home to sell.
Read MoreBranding has a way of shaping the interpretation of a business perception. Nonverbal and verbal queues are in sync when we break down the core intentions.
Read MoreYour client wants to see that you are well connected. They want to know that a relationship with you will bring more opportunity to them through your connections. The ability to create a successful relationship starts with you providing an excellent, streamline the process of work.
Read MoreOur subconscious minds respond in different ways to different logo shapes. Straight lines, circles, curves and jagged edges all imply different meanings and so a skilled logo designer can use shape to infer particular qualities about the brand.
know this will help you answer questions that are on your mind to make the most informative decision to work with me.
Read MoreThe Best Video I Ever Created. Thoughts.
Read MoreWhether you are a Restaurant Owner, Interior Designer, Realtor or other established business owner, the Target Client Methodology- Live Work Play is the central process to compartmentalize your client's lifestyle.
Read MoreThe main way I connect with potential clients or other business owners is through social media which give more upfront information than a singular business card.
Read MoreWhite Dog Cafe is a restaurant filled with mosaic dog portraits & chef-inspired delicacies. Fearless Restaurant Group & White Dog graciously welcomed me into their home away from home to explore the atmosphere & style of food they provide guests.
Read MoreThe client- we all have a group of people in mind whom we want to work, expose to our unique service & create a relationship.
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