Shine Light So Others May See

There is a light within all of us that gives us power over our circumstances. When we let our light shine, we help others see their way through the darkness. During these uncertain times, it is imperative that we do not sit and wait for the darkness to leave but instead turn on the light within us and be a beacon of hope for those around us. 

As a business, you have the opportunity to not only stay alive but to also thrive. Now is the time to put a spotlight on your core values and your business message. Stand upon the solid foundation you’ve built and remind your clients, customers and employees that they can count on you for support. Change up your social media strategy during this time to share messages of hope, wisdom and unique opportunity. 

Now is the time to use your leadership role to be a guiding light. Your primary is to be of service to others in business and now you will serve as a safe harbor for those who may be drifting into the dark. There is no need to be on “trend” simply share positivity, optimism and gratitude. Soon this will be a memory but you want those around you to remember how you showed up for them when they needed it the most. People will forget the negativity in their newsfeed but they will not forget how your positivity made them feel.

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