The Journey Continues

When I receive an interview opportunity I think that it's just about Francesca Ragucci Marketing and not Francesca Ragucci. However, many times, it's about me. The interviewer wants to know about my personal journey which is, to be honest, emotional. The context of conversation is different than when I'm talking about the client service. To think back at where I started early with entrepreneurship when I was nannying in middle school through college, It really is a wonderful experience just to be able to say, "I paved my own path."

I gratefully live an independent lifestyle. I own my own business. I'm a leader. I lead clients and now have a team. I lead myself in my day-to-day life. However, it takes a very specific mindset and gumption to be a leader. The interaction of conversation with an interviewer brings me back to having the desire to share my personal journey on social media with you.

I am now choosing to get personal on social media. Now is the time to talk about how I Palo Santo and Sage my office every day and how I love to have a cup of herbal, caffeine free tea in the mid afternoon. Yum! My favorite. All of my days are so different. I am the creator of this life experience that I am so grateful to live.

In this current experience, my perspective of living is different. I'm looking at everything differently. I'm going for opportunities. I'm creating different relationships one step at a time. This year in the Los Angeles Voyage feature, I'm answering questions in a much different style than I have last year because of this new life experience. My desire is to be more authentic to share about my personal journey alongside my business service. Much of my personal journey is a question mark right now. Regardless, the opportunity for me to be open and continue to have you along the journey can serve as an example for you.
