Value Your Time — Francesca Ragucci

Value Your Time

Let's talk about valuing your time with clients. Your time is especially important when you're going from an individual to a team. So, what happens is it's a mental shift from let's say acting for your interest, which involves emotions, and then pivoting over to operating within the health of the business. Let's say you have a specific number of clients, whether it's prospective client calls, emails, in-person meetings, and then keeping consistent with your current clients regularly. What happens is you have a certain amount of time to give, and when you are acting on your emotional interests, you may go to the opportunity of providing every single person as much time as they need.

You put that emphasis more within their interest, and you may tell them, "Take as much time as you need. Oh, I have an additional 15 minutes." That 15-minute call turns into an hour quick. What happens is your time shrinks. The time for you to grow your business, or complete activities, or visit those priority clients and market your properties, or care to your business, decreases. Preparing for a meeting, that is a certain amount of time within itself.

Send your client a Google calendar invite. Make sure to emphasis the start and end time. Also, stick with the noted timeframe. Avoid going over time. The additional 15 minutes is going to set you back. When creating a meeting agenda, note discussion points, so the client is well aware of the conversation overview. Provide this agenda to your client the day before or the morning of the meeting. That way, your client has time to review and addon their over discussion points.

Hold to integrity. Apply integrity in this situation means staying on task with the discussion points along with time a potted for the client. Your client will respect you when you show sincerity. When a client wants more time, then arrange either your schedule or your agreement.

You have more time when you are purposeful with your time. When you go from one hour weekly meetings to a 15-minute session every week or even two 15 minute meetings a month, you're getting your time back to allow you to grow and cultivate in new areas of your business as well as gaining new clients. Have integrity with your time. 
