LIVE- a Winning Strategy
Content on social media should be relevant and tailored to each specific platform. Those who are on your facebook business page are your advocates, and they enjoy viewing your content through facebook live, written word, or audio.Through a Facebook LIVE, show the viewer the lifestyle of the home, staged furnishings (because your choose that look for a specific reason) and pair up with local businesses to showcase them. Remember, every realtor is a small business, so why not team up with other small businesses? Show your audience what the businesses used to be like 10 plus years ago, and the transformation. Do you know videos have become easier means of education because less people are willing to read lengthy material? Videos elevate your engagement levels- likes, comments, shares. You see more videos on Facebook than you see text.
The best way to get better- PRACTICE & CONSISTENCY.
That’s right! Purchase a phone tripod so you do not have to be concerned with shakes or how the camera is too close. Find a quiet environment & hit record! Now, you are recording video to get used to the on camera sense. Remember to smile- is that a given? Guess what, it is not. Many people do not smile or look happy to be there & that shows.
Those putting themselves out there online will grow their business offline! You need to know who your online influence market is in order to connect with the right people for you. Buyers and sellers will naturally gravitate to the realtor who shows up where there attention is. The most important trick is to put yourself in front the buyer/seller before they even think about their next move.