Navigate Social Media

Social media is a new concept to many people. From Facebook to Instagram to LinkedIn, where do you start? It’s important to know that clients are on these sites, scrolling, liking, and following content every single day. You need to leverage social media to get in front of your client.

There are many realtors out there who are used to the once-effective old ways of advertising: print ads. Today, there is a better, more effective way to advertise your business and invest in your marketing: Facebook ads. Yes, people still check their mailboxes but only for a certain amount of time per day. People always have their phones on them and are constantly on social media. You can market your services or provide helpful information to potential clients by utilizing Facebook ads and video. It is integral to be in front of your client at all times to stay engaged with them on social media.

Here, you say, “I have a personal Facebook page and I post everyday!” This could be the case, but people are not interacting with you -- they are not commenting on your posts or liking your content (which is what you really want). You need to leverage your social media account in the best way for your business by creating a business page.

You can create a business page on Facebook then connect it to Instagram, a photo sharing platform. On these pages, you can share your business expertise, promote open houses, provide local community updates and just actively engage with past and potential clients. The most important thing is that you get this information in front of your audience.

Maintaining a strong social media presence as a way of advertising your services takes time, effort, and consistency. Right now, you might be posting online only once or twice a week. You need to post on these platforms multiple times per day. To truly leverage Facebook and Instagram, constant engagement, posts, and interactions are necessary. It is also important to know exactly what your branding is in relation to your brokerage. Utilize the fonts and color schemes in new ways. Promote your mission and core values on your social media sites. This will be what your client sees first, so your branding needs to be in order.

With all of this being said, you might think, “Why should I use social media when I already have an established clientele?” Because you need to stay relevant in your business and online. Mobile first is the way to grow a business & build connections. They are able to see your recent activity like new listings, open houses, and exciting neighborhood information. On your Facebook, Instagram, and email lists, you are able to provide your clients (past or potential) with exclusive content available only to them. You can provide them with information they want and need to know.


Once you established your business page, utilize Facebook Live! Facebook Live is a way for you to engage with your followers face-to-face online & with a large audience. Create content you want to share with your followers and record a Facebook Live video when you have free time. Going live is a novel way to leverage social media platforms. As well, Facebook Live provides you with an opportunity to promote your next open house or new listings in a way that is similar to face-to-face interaction.

The most important takeaway is to showcase your expertise online. You have so much knowledge to share and now you have multiple platforms to share it! Strategically organize and plan your content, then post it. Take what you already have in front of you and change your marketing strategy for the better by leveraging social media. Take the lead on your social media pages.