EP 18 - Dedication to One Brand
There are brands in your life, whether entertainment, clothing or business whom you rely upon to serve you. These brands serve you in an individualistic way to provide superiority. Brands are investments in your lifestyle. You invest in a brand to have them cater to you with a line of products or services. This brand today is social media literate, and that means that you can continue to advocate for the company on your favorite social platform as they provide a seamless digital and in-person experience.
Social media is an excellent way for you to learn about evolving industries. When it comes to telling a story on social media, the dedication you have to this brand is because of the relevance of the story. It is the inception and the heritage that they have within their industry. It's the impact they make on multiple cities and cultures throughout the world.
The company provides many experiences for you to enjoy, whether it's an in-person activation at a polo equestrian competition. They sponsor events locally. You receive exclusive invites to premiere events and collaborative experiences. That's what dedication is to a company.
No matter the industry, take a look at your lifestyle. Which brands do you represent? We have signature pieces that we enjoy. Advocacy occurs with honesty and forthright integrity and actions. Make sure that your favorite brand is representing a message of one that you empathize with within this environment today. Choose devotion to one heritage company that proves itself sustainable in different economic markets.
Welcome to Redefine Your Reputation with Francesca Ragucci. My name is Francesca Ragucci. I am an Entrepreneur and the CEO of my company, Francesca Ragucci Marketing, helping clients redefine their reputation using social media.
The intention of the podcast is to create a conversation around lifestyle experiences in the luxury sector in industries like Real Estate, Hotels, Fashion, and Technology. This podcast is a part of your lifestyle as I share the experiences I have with the brands you admire most. This is the all encompassing lifestyle podcast you have been waiting for!