How To Post On Instagram
Posting on Instagram seems straightforward, yet many are not clear on how to post. Let’s dive into the app and take things one step at a time. Before posting, have an image or video ready to go on your mobile device. Pair your desired image with a caption that tells a story about the particular image. Install Instagram on your mobile device as there is zero feature to post on a desktop.
Once you open up the app, to go to the +. The + is how you schedule the post to go live. Tap the +, then tap the image or video of your choice. Select next and apply your caption to the description section. If you’re choosing multiple photos, you have a max limit of 10 to select. When you select a video, make sure the video is 59 seconds long to suit Instagram. If the post involves tagging, make sure to tag other accounts applicable.
Always apply 30 hashtags to the comment section. Instagram will love you more and propel your post to a broader audience. Create your business hashtag and designate hashtags that are relevant to your location, industry and target audience.
Remember, a social media post is educational, entertaining and tells a story. Tailor your content to meet your audiences’ wants within your business. By applying proper hashtags and media to present your company, Instagram can help your scale your business.